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10 Ideas to Repurpose Content and Grow Your Business

Written by Giacomo Rotella | 2021 September 25 19:30 GMT

Content marketing is one of the best ways to grow your business in 2021.

Although the content marketing landscape is rapidly changing, if you’re trying to outrank your competition on Google and build a trusted audience that will turn into customers, creating content is the way to go.

You likely have a small marketing team with limited resources, and often wearing a lot of hats.

The majority of marketers spend up to six hours creating content. And 11% of them spend 10 to 19 hours.

As a marketer, you don’t always have the time and budget to create new content. So how do you overcome this problem? By reusing existing content.

What Is Content Repurposing?

Repurposing content means turning existing content into a different format to expand its reach to new audiences. That will allow you to produce a lot of content across multiple platforms while maintaining all of your other tasks.

Why Should You Repurpose Content?

There are many reasons why you should consider reusing your existing content.

First of all, it can save you time and money. 60% of marketers spend most of their time on time-consuming tasks. Researching for content is one of these. By repurposing content, you will create one single high-quality piece of content, and save a lot of time by recycling it into other formats.

Secondly, repurposing content will increase traffic to your website and conversions. When your target audience shares your new content, you’ll have more opportunities to get backlinks to your website. As a result, you will have greater authority for Google and other search engines, and you’re more likely to rank for your target keywords.

Finally, by repurposing content, you can reach new audiences. Different users learn in different ways and use different platforms. Offering multiple types of content for different platforms will put your content in front of users that would otherwise never see it.

Below are 10 creative ideas to repurpose your content.

1. Reuse Your Old Blog Posts

Do you have a blog full of quality content that doesn’t really bring traffic or conversions? You’re lucky!

That’s a huge opportunity to upgrade articles and turn them into something new.

Sort the articles by category and choose one of many repurposing options. For example, you can use the information to put together a newsletter or a podcast. To boost your SEO, consider creating a long-form article. Alternatively, if you feel like you have enough traffic, create a lead magnet like an eBook or whitepaper to convert your visitors.

2. Look at The Most Successful Blog Posts

The best content repurposing strategy starts by looking at analytics to find the most successful pieces to reuse.
Look for the content with high engagement: shares, likes, and comments. Can you reuse that content and turn it into a different format?

If you have good video production skills, you can create a video to educate your audience on a specific topic.
Alternatively, you can create a video series instead to make the content more digestible.

3. Use Content to Answer Questions on Quora

Quora is a question and answer forum website with 300 million monthly visitors. That makes it a huge opportunity to get exposure and traffic to your website. You can’t directly promote your business on Quora, but you can repurpose your existing content and position yourself as an authority in your industry.
Try to write an informative answer based on your content and include a link.

4. Start an Email Newsletter

Do you post articles very frequently?

If that’s the case, not all of your audience will be able to read them. That is a lot of resources going to waste!
Repurpose that content into an email newsletter. That will help you nurture relationships with your audience and make sure you’re delivering the new content to them.

5. Do Guest Blogging

Make sure you optimize the exposure of your articles to reach as many users as you can.

With guest blogging, you will create content for another website or blog, That will help you build brand awareness and reach new audiences fast.

Look for websites that are in the same niche as yours and that have an audience similar to yours. Then, use your existing articles to write high-quality pieces of content for the website.
In most cases, you’ll be able to add links to your original article, so that can also help you build backlinks and, consequently, optimize your SEO effort and rank higher in search engine results.

6. Create an eBook

If you spent a lot of time researching a topic for a blog post or video, you likely know so much about it that you could train someone by creating a guide. One of the best formats to deliver such information is an eBook. Or a whitepaper, if you’re in a B2B industry.

Did you know that 25% of U.S. consumers read eBooks? This is the best content format you can choose to establish yourself as an educational resource.

Unless you want to sell the eBook, consider offering it as a lead magnet to capture your visitors’ contact information.

7. Re-use Your Webinars

Have you recently hosted a webinar to teach your audience on a certain topic? Make sure you maximize returns on the time you invested.

While the information you delivered might be well researched and amazing, not all of your audience has time to join a webinar. Some users prefer learning through a video or an article.
To serve all types of audiences, record the webinar and create short video clips that you can publish on your social media profiles. You could even create an online video course.

Consider publishing the slide decks you created for the webinar online, and the video transcript as articles.

8. Start a Podcast

If you have a piece of content that is performing well, consider starting a podcast to recycle that content in a digestible, audible format.

55% of Americans listen to podcasts, so that’s a huge opportunity to reach new audiences.

Use the article or video you chose to start a discussion during the podcast, but make sure you don’t stop there. You can combine multiple pieces and add information that’s in your mind. Make sure you make it conversational and authentic.

9. Use Parts of Your Blog Post for Social Media

If you create custom graphic elements for your blog posts, you can reuse those for social media posts.
Remember that each social media platform has a specific size allowance, so you need to adjust the graphic based on the channels you’re planning to use.

But what exactly can you use to post on your accounts?

Start by using expert tips, quotes, statistics, and similar shareable snippets.

10. Create an Online Course

Do you currently create videos to market your brand? If the answer is yes, you’re likely. Go a step further and create an online course. That’s the best way to capture an audience that really needs your offerings — and that, consequently, is likely to convert.

First, audit your existing videos and only choose the high-quality ones. Then, use your video editing skills to put them together by topic or category. Use a free e-learning platform to create professional online video courses.

When you’re not sure whether a piece of content you created has the potential for repurposing, use this flowchart to find out.