Guide to RevOps Blog | Theia Strategies

Analysis of Best Posts Reveal Linkedin Social Media Strategy

Written by Islin Munisteri | 2021 March 31 22:23 GMT

Here are our best tips and tricks from doing a meta-analysis of approximately 120 posts across 5 LinkedIn business and 5 personal profiles of prolific social media content producers in B2B technology, marketing, and sales.

We decided to double down on using LinkedIn as the platform we would post on, and our social media strategy on other platforms would follow that. An interesting finding is that social media content is vastly different between LinkedIn business and personal profiles.

The Whole Point of Social Media

Remember, what is the point of social media? To get new customers! We do that by growing our audience. We grow our audience through quality content.

Current Approach

Our current approach was posting the same content on Facebook, LinkedIn business and personal profiles, Twitter, and Instgram. Types of social media content we were posting was educational value-adding content, brand awareness, and revenue operations-specific content. Our LinkedIn company page had disconnected for a little while in Q1. Here are the number of posts we had in Q1 2021:

We had fairly little engagement, with most months having no shares, some clicks, and many interactions on LinkedIn.

Most of our interactions (likes, favorites) was on our LinkedIn personal profiles, with the most number of clicks on Twitter.

Meta Analysis

We did a meta-analysis of approximately 150 featured and most recent posts at the following LinkedIn business and personal profiles. As of this writing, there is no LinkedIn (or other) tool to find the most engaged posts on a profile. Most of the personal profiles had presumably, their most engaged and commented posts in their Featured section on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Personal Profiles and Associated Business Profiles:

We categorized their posts by format and topic. At times, a post would fit into multiple formats or topics.

Results – LinkedIn Company Profiles

We found the following results on topics posted on LinkedIn business profiles:

From our analysis, tips, production promotion, and questions dominate LinkedIn business profiles. It makes sense. You’re promoting your business on your LinkedIn business profile.

An interesting finding was that there was a tip on the HubSpot LinkedIn page that received nearly 1000 likes, a nearly 10x increase from their usual levels of engagement. Tips are interesting on LinkedIn company pages. They seemed to get the most engagement out of any post.

Results – LinkedIn Personal Profiles

We found the following results on topics posted on LinkedIn personal profiles:

It seemed that motivational posts on personal profiles did the best on LinkedIn, followed by tips and opinions.

New Approach

Our new approach is to post the same LinkedIn business profile content across our other social media channels. Each person at the agency is responsible for their own LinkedIn personal profiles, and come up with the best motivation, tips, opinions, and humanity for their own profiles. Since we are a marketing and revenue operations company, we’ll still have tips about that. We also hope to grow our business profile followers by directly inviting our connections.

Why don’t you do your own meta-analysis of brands you aspire to follow? The results may not be the same. You can also have us do your social media analysis to find what works best for your audience!