Karen Lopez

Karen Lopez

Karen Lopez is Theia Marketing's Marketing Manager.

Recent posts by Karen Lopez

Using the Jobs to be Done Framework to Understand Your Customers

5 min read

By Karen Lopez on 2021 January 7 16:00 GMT-07:00

Revenue operations center on ensuring teams align around helping their products stand out from the competition and sell 

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Topics: Jobs Theory Jobs to be Done Framework Revenue Operations (RevOps)

Using RevOps for Your Business

7 min read

By Karen Lopez on 2020 December 17 16:00 GMT-07:00

The steady downfall of inter-departmental friction and siloed companies have led the way to the rise of RevOps. Similarly, an increasing trend in interdepartmental collaboration, data-driven marketing, and cross-functional tools have boosted revenue operations even further.  

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Topics: Customer Journey Revenue Operations (RevOps)

Why You Should Hire a RevOps Agency vs. Hiring a RevOps Team

6 min read

By Karen Lopez on 2020 December 10 16:00 GMT-07:00

revenue operations approach is central to a company'long-term growth because it aligns its entire customer life cycle and makes it more efficient.  

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Topics: Marketing Insights RevOps Agency Revenue Operations (RevOps)

Business Survival amid the Covid-19 Pandemic

7 min read

By Karen Lopez on 2020 December 4 16:00 GMT-07:00

The Covid-19 pandemic that has swept the world over has brought with it many unprecedented challenges for businesses.  

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Topics: Understanding Your Business Covid-19 Marketing Revenue Operations (RevOps)

Manufacturing Content Marketing for 2021: Budgets & Trends

4 min read

By Karen Lopez on 2020 November 26 16:00 GMT-07:00

Happy Thanksgiving to our readers in the US!  

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Topics: Content Marketing Marketing Strategy Inbound Marketing

How RevOps Helps Grow Your Business

4 min read

By Karen Lopez on 2020 November 19 16:00 GMT-07:00

Today’s fast-paced business climate makes it crucial, now more than ever, for companies to restructure their processes to gain a competitive edge. 

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Topics: Silo Mentality Revenue Operations (RevOps)

The Most Common Product Testing Mistakes You Need to Avoid

6 min read

By Karen Lopez on 2020 November 12 16:00 GMT-07:00

Testing a product or its prototype is the most efficient way to ensure the final byproduct you launch into market has the best chance of succeeding. It gives product managers and engineers valuable insight into the best product decisions they can make to improve customer satisfaction, brand loyalty, customer retention, and increase their company's ROI. 

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Topics: Marketing Tools Product/Market Fit Product Testing

Top 6 Myths on Product/Market Fit

5 min read

By Karen Lopez on 2020 November 5 16:00 GMT-07:00

Many ideas circulate product/market fitMany times, these misconceptions confuse founders and the teams they manageleading to possible future setbacks. 

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Topics: Marketing Insights Product/Market Fit Lean Product Process

7 Reasons You Do Not Have Product/Market Fit & What to Do About It

6 min read

By Karen Lopez on 2020 October 29 16:00 GMT-06:00

Product/market fit is not a one-size-fits-all process, nor is it a one-time event. It is an iterative process that demands the continual collaboration between the product, marketing, sales, services, and leadership teams of a company.  

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Topics: Understanding Your Business Product/Market Fit Buyer Persona

Buyer Persona Research for a Perfect Product/Market Fit

6 min read

By Karen Lopez on 2020 October 22 16:00 GMT-06:00

We can simplify product/market fit to mean the following: the degree to which the product being sold satisfies market demand and customer needs.  

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Topics: Understanding Your Business Product/Market Fit Buyer Persona
