Guide to RevOps Blog | Theia Strategies

Work from Home Tip #4: Have a Morning Routine

Written by Islin Munisteri | 2020 April 3 23:59 GMT

Today, I will share with you my morning routine as our third work-from-home tip. Now I did some research for this video, and there are a variety of things you can do in the morning. I found an list of 50 things you can do this morning, but to keep it simple, I will just share what my actual morning routine is.

It takes about an hour to an hour and a half each morning to accomplish. Then, I am at work at my desk or right now, helping my kids with homeschooling. So first thing I do is I roll out of bed and I get dressed in my gym clothes. Then I eat breakfast, which is generally a yogurt. I give the lid of the yogurt to my cat who licks it for me. Then, I’m also making breakfast for my kids and possibly my husband at the same time.

Then when breakfast is over, I do half an hour of exercise on the elliptical if I can. I tried to aim for four to five times a week to do that exercise.

I get to my desk, and I start my day, or more recently, I’ve been trying to catch up with my kids and get them to go to class at home. So I’m doing what I would call homeschooling with teacher-assisted activities for the rest of the school year.

That’s my morning routine. It’s pretty simple. I don’t listen to music. I don’t do any Wim Hof breathing techniques. It’s just a simple routine of eating breakfast, exercising, and then getting on with my day.

I hope this helps you in deciding what your morning routine should look like while working from home. There is no shame in having different morning routines. That doesn’t have all 50 things from’s list. It is your morning routine. So own it and be proud of your morning routine!