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Work from Home Tip #8: How to Schedule a Zoom Meeting for Happy Hour

Written by Islin Munisteri | 2020 April 9 23:50 GMT

Today, I have our eighth work from home tip, and that's setting up a Zoom Happy Hour with you and your team.

You don't want to spring this happy hour on people last minute. But you also want to talk about it in your team meetings, know if people individually wish to go. If you have a massive team, you want to send out a survey possibly created using Google surveys to see what is the best time for doing this. Friday afternoon would be best for Zoom happy hour for me because the kids are done with school. I've talked with the rest of the team, and they also agree that that's a good time. So now we just have to create it on Zoom.

Scheduling a Meeting on Zoom

So you just have to click Schedule, and then it will pop up the scheduled meeting.

The topic would be Happy Hour and for this Friday at four o'clock mountain time and have it for an hour. Now for the meeting ID, you'll want to generate that automatically. You don't want to use your personal meeting room ID because people can jump into it at any time, even if you're not in it. So you want to have a meeting ID that's generated automatically.

You also want to have a password, a required meeting password, so you don't get zoom bombed. Also, the meeting password is in the meeting link automatically. So you don't have to even put in the meeting password. You just have to click on the link.

For the video, you want your video hosts and participants on. For your audio, you want to have telephone and computer audio, and then you want to create an outlook calendar. You could also make this a recurring meeting, but remember to check recurrence in your calendar invitation on Outlook.

Zoom Advanced Options

If you look at Advanced Options, you want to enable a waiting room. You don't want to enable joining before host because you know you control the meeting. So you don't want to have people milling about in your session before a host and talking about different things before you are there.

You don't necessarily want to meet participants on entry because it's a happy hour, and you also, we have to record meeting set up in Zoom automatically. You can have your Happy Hour not be recorded.

Then, you want to have alternate hosts in case you can't make the meeting because you're sick. So you want us to have someone else be your host.

Just click on Schedule and then it will open up in, let's see, it will open up a window in Outlook, let me outlook happy hour. Everyone's required, or if it's optional, set it to optional and remember the password's already in the link. You just have to click the link to join. And that's pretty much all, all you have to do. So here's a simple way to create a Zoom Happy Hour for your team.